Additional Review for Consulting Involving High-Risk Countries
Additional approval by Export Control is required for any consulting activity that will involve physical travel to a “highest risk” or “high risk” country (a list of these is provided on the Export Control website). Any consulting where the entity itself is based in one of these countries will also require review by Export Control.
More information for UConn faculty, staff or students planning international travel.
Please note that review via Export Control may take six weeks. Consulting requests should be submitted with sufficient time to allow for this review.
Use of UConn Equipment & Travel to High-Risk Countries
If traveling to a high-risk country, there may be restrictions on whether UConn laptops or other equipment can be used. Regardless of the purpose of travel, loaner laptops are available to support travelers when traveling to these countries. If you anticipate that you may need a loaner laptop, you can fill out the reserve form at any time: Faculty and Staff Laptop Loan Form from UConn Information Technology Services
Full approval for travel or consulting is not required to submit a request to loan a laptop. ITS strongly suggests that requests are submitted as early as possible to ensure timely access to the equipment that you need.
The loan of a laptop for travel is an independent process. Requesting or borrowing a laptop does not provide any type of approval for the travel.
Approval of University Travel to High-Risk Countries
When traveling to a high-risk country on University business, please note that any country with a US State Department Level 3 or 4 warning are required to submit a waiver to Global Affairs and to have this waiver approved before commencing travel. Full details can be found on the Global Affairs website: More International Travel Information from UConn Global Affairs
Please note that this waiver does not apply to travel that is solely for the purpose of faculty consulting, as this travel is not done in your capacity as a University employee. Travel for consulting is done on your personal time and cannot be supported by University resources.
The faculty consulting process approves only the work entailed in the faculty consulting process. Where there is overlap with Export Control concerns, additional approval related to the travel is required. However, travel for the purpose of faculty consulting is personal travel. Any risk involved in the travel is the responsibility of the individual undertaking the activity.