Patient Care
Full-time faculty at the School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine cannot engage in private practice/patient care per the University bylaws. Faculty members must be 0.95 FTE or less to engage in outside patient care activities.
Private practice is characterized as:
- Services that require a license to practice
- Assuming responsibility for the care of a patient
- Services submitted for reimbursement under health insurance
- Services that may lead to claims of malpractice
Faculty cannot do work that the University wants to do or should be doing.
When consulting there is no liability coverage from the state.
For more information regarding private practice guidelines related to the School of Dental Medicine, please refer to CMC Action #11.
Please note that this refers to faculty at the University of Connecticut Health Center. The relevant University of Connecticut Bylaw Language is found in item XIV.M:
"No employee in the service of the University shall devote to private purposes any portion of the time due the University without consent as may be provided in established University policy. Faculty members may take on outside consulting and research activities after the specific project has been approved by the Provost. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorizing any private practice by any full-time member of the faculty of either the School of Medicine or the School of Dental Medicine."